Saturday 29 April 2017

Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine

Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine

Odessa Medical University is recognized through the World Health Organization. ONMU (Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine) this University founded in 1st September 1900. It’s situated in Eastern & Western Europe. Medical faculty was opened in Odessa under the Great Russian Royally University “Novorossiysk University”. This University is later than 1918 in the previous century Odessa National Medical University extended his recognized Departments and also Research Centres, which fetched the world reputation to Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine.

ONMU - MBBS Admission 

ONMU is the most important Medical University in Ukraine Russia and also Europe for Education in Dentistry/ Medicine/ Paediatrics / Nursing Pharmacy/ Post Graduate (PG) study and program of clinical Residency. There are clinical Departments - 43 in the University .The rang of admission are 8o to 90 % creating this (Ukrainian Higher Education Organized) a rather mysterious organization.

Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine opened in language of English in 1993 and it was the 1st Medical University in Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Europe to started training in English. And it’s actually trouble-free for Indian students.

Odessa National University Admission - Ukraine

The studies are carried out by 800 teachers, 18 academicians, 105 professionals and doctors in medical science, 407 doctors and candidates of medical science. During the course master all modern medical Technologies which are available today in the world. In this article you can get all the very important details about Odessa National Medical University of Ukraine for MBBS admission

Clinical Base: The Clinic centres of the University have 9648 Patient Beds. These clinical centres, which include well equipped 35 Hospitals, have all circumstances and services for training and practice for its doctors and also students.

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